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BOB DYLAN - The Bootleg Series, Vol. 11
Wys³ano dnia 08-11-2014 o godz. 13:49:02
Temat: Info
Info W poniedzia³ek 10 listopada uka¿e siê Bob Dylan - The Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 11”

W zwi±sku z tym Sony Music prezentuje wyj±tkow± aplikacjê: Bob Dylan Bootleg Series iOS dostêpn± do pobrania za darmo w Apple App Store

Aplikacja ta stworzona przez Columbia Records nadaje nowy wymiar muzyce Boba Dylana daj±c fanom szansê zapoznania siê z kluczowymi dokonaniami artysty. Znajdziemy tu ponad 700 elementów, w¶ród których znalaz³y siê filmy, galerie zdjêæ, wywiady, biografie, opisy wydarzeñ na które mia³a wp³yw muzyka Dylana oraz wiele innych ciekawostek.

10 listopada 2014 roku nak³adem Columbia Records / Legacy Recordings uka¿e siê niezwyk³e wydawnictwo - sze¶ciop³ytowy box „Bootleg Series Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes” bêd±cy kompletn± kronik± legendarnej sesji artysty z jego zespo³em The Band.

Materia³ ten powsta³ z pieczo³owicie odrestaurowanych oryginalnych ta¶m, z których wiele zosta³o niedawno odnalezionych. Wydawnictwo to dostêpne bêdzie równie¿ w wersji dwup³ytowej, na której znalaz³ siê wybór najwa¿niejszych utworów powsta³ych podczas tej sesji

W po³owie lat sze¶ædziesi±tych Bob Dylan znalaz³ siê na wy¿ynach swojej kariery. Artysta ugruntowa³ swoj± pozycjê wydaj±c p³yty, które zachwyca³y publiczno¶æ, jego piosenka „Like A Rolling Stone” sta³a siê prze³omowym utworem tamtych czasów a jego koncerty w Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz Europie (w tym kontrowersyjny „elektryczny” wystêp na Newport Folk Festiwal w 1965 roku) spowodowa³y, ¿e ros³a rzesza jego fanów. Punktem kulminacyjnym tych czasów sta³ siê powa¿ny wypadek motocyklowy artysty w lipcu 1966 roku.

Wracaj±c do zdrowia, pierwszy raz od lat z dala od publiczno¶ci Dylan i jego muzycy: Robbie Robertson, Rick Danko, Richard Manuel, Garth Hudson oraz Levon Helm zaszyli siê w piwnicy ma³ego domu w West Kingston i nagrali tam w ci±gu kilku miesiêcy ponad sto piosenek. W¶ród nich znalaz³y siê pó¼niejsze klasyki takie jak: "I Shall Be Released," "The Mighty Quinn," "This Wheel's On Fire" czy "You Ain't Going Nowhere." p>Plotki o tych nagraniach, które dotar³y do fanów spowodowa³y, ¿e zaczêli oni szukaæ tych materia³ów a to z kolei zapocz±tkowa³o ca³kiem nowy segment w bran¿y muzycznej – pojawienie siê bootlegów. Zdesperowani fani szukali jakichkolwiek fragmentów tych nagrañ i w 1969 roku album zatytu³owany „Great White Wonder” pojawi³ siê w sklepach muzycznych.

W 1975 roku wytwórnia Columbia Records opublikowa³a album „Basement Tapes” zawieraj±cy szesna¶cie nagrañ ( w tym osiem samego zespo³u, bez Dylana).

Wydawnictwo „Bootleg Series Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes” prezentuje nagrania, które odrestaurowano z niedawno odnalezionych ta¶m i w przeciwieñstwie do wydania z 1975 roku brzmienie tych nagrañ jest najbardziej zbli¿one do brzmienia z lata 1967 roku.

Aplikacja Bob Dylan Bootleg Series iOS, album „Bootleg Series Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes” oraz strona to trzy powi±zane ze sob± elementy, które przynosz± nowy dostêp i ¶wie¿e spojrzenie na uwa¿ane za jedne z najbardziej zaskakuj±cych, tajemniczych i wp³ywowych nagrañ w historii amerykañskiej muzyki.


CD 1

1. Edge of the Ocean
2. My Bucket's Got a Hole in It (written by Clarence Williams)
3. Roll on Train
4. Mr. Blue (written by Dewayne Blackwell)
5. Belshazzar (written by Johnny Cash)
6. I Forgot to Remember to Forget (written by Charlie A Feathers and Stanley A Kesler)
7. You Win Again (written by Hank Williams)
8. Still in Town (written by Hank Cochran and Harlan Howard)
9. Waltzing with Sin (written by Sonny Burns and Red Hayes)
10. Big River (Take 1) (written by Johnny Cash)
11. Big River (Take 2) (written by Johnny Cash)
12. Folsom Prison Blues (written by Johnny Cash)
13. Bells of Rhymney (written by Idris Davies and Peter Seeger)
14. Spanish is the Loving Tongue
15. Under Control
16. Ol' Roison the Beau (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
17. I'm Guilty of Loving You
18. Cool Water (written by Bob Nolan)
19. The Auld Triangle (written by Brendan Francis Behan)
20. Po' Lazarus (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
21. I'm a Fool for You (Take 1)
22. I'm a Fool for You (Take 2)

CD 2

1. Johnny Todd (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
2. Tupelo (written by John Lee Hooker)
3. Kickin' My Dog Around (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
4. See You Later Allen Ginsberg (Take 1)
5. See You Later Allen Ginsberg (Take 2)
6. Tiny Montgomery
7. Big Dog
8. I'm Your Teenage Prayer
9. Four Strong Winds (written by Ian Tyson)
10. The French Girl (Take 1) (written by Ian Tyson and Sylvia Tyson)
11. The French Girl (Take 2) (written by Ian Tyson and Sylvia Tyson)
12. Joshua Gone Barbados (written by Eric Von Schmidt)
13. I'm in the Mood (written by Bernard Besman and John Lee Hooker)
14. Baby Ain't That Fine (written by Dallas Frazier)
15. Rock, Salt and Nails (written by Bruce Phillips)
16. A Fool Such As I (written by William Marvin Trader)
17. Song for Canada (written by Pete Gzowski and Ian Tyson)
18. People Get Ready (written by Curtis L Mayfield)
19. I Don't Hurt Anymore (written By Donald I Robertson and Walter E Rollins)
20. Be Careful of Stones That You Throw (written by Benjamin Lee Blankenship)
21. One Man's Loss
22. Lock Your Door
23. Baby, Won't You be My Baby
24. Try Me Little Girl
25. I Can't Make it Alone
26. Don't You Try Me Now

CD 3

1. Young but Daily Growing (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
2. Bonnie Ship the Diamond (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
3. The Hills of Mexico (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
4. Down on Me (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
5. One for the Road
6. I'm Alright
7. Million Dollar Bash (Take 1)
8. Million Dollar Bash (Take 2)
9. Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread (Take 1)
10. Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread (Take 2)
11. I'm Not There
12. Please Mrs. Henry
13. Crash on the Levee (Take 1)
14. Crash on the Levee (Take 2)
15. Lo and Behold! (Take 1)
16. Lo and Behold! (Take 2)
17. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Take 1)
18. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Take 2)
19. I Shall be Released (Take 1)
20. I Shall be Released (Take 2)
21. This Wheel's on Fire (written by Bob Dylan and Rick Danko)
22. Too Much of Nothing (Take 1)
23. Too Much of Nothing (Take 2)

CD 4

1. Tears of Rage (Take 1) (written by Bob Dylan and Richard Manuel)
2. Tears of Rage (Take 2) (written by Bob Dylan and Richard Manuel)
3. Tears of Rage (Take 3) (written by Bob Dylan and Richard Manuel)
4. Quinn the Eskimo (Take 1)
5. Quinn the Eskimo (Take 2)
6. Open the Door Homer (Take 1)
7. Open the Door Homer (Take 2)
8. Open the Door Homer (Take 3)
9. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 1)
10. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 2)
11. Nothing Was Delivered (Take 3)
12. All American Boy (written by Bobby Bare)
13. Sign on the Cross
14. Odds and Ends (Take 1)
15. Odds and Ends (Take 2)
16. Get Your Rocks Off
17. Clothes Line Saga
18. Apple Suckling Tree (Take 1)
19. Apple Suckling Tree (Take 2)
20. Don't Ya Tell Henry
21. Bourbon Street

CD 5

1. Blowin' in the Wind
2. One Too Many Mornings
3. A Satisfied Mind (written by Joe Hayes and Jack Rhodes)
4. It Ain't Me, Babe
5. Ain't No More Cane (Take 1) (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
6. Ain't No More Cane (Take 2) (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
7. My Woman She's A-Leavin'
8. Santa-Fe
9. Mary Lou, I Love You Too
10. Dress it up, Better Have it All
11. Minstrel Boy
12. Silent Weekend
13. What's it Gonna be When it Comes Up
14. 900 Miles from My Home (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
15. Wildwood Flower (written by A.P. Carter)
16. One Kind Favor (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
17. She'll be Coming Round the Mountain (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
18. It's the Flight of the Bumblebee
19. Wild Wolf
20. Goin' to Acapulco
21. Gonna Get You Now
22. If I Were A Carpenter (written by James Timothy Hardin)
23. Confidential (written by Dorina Morgan)
24. All You Have to do is Dream (Take 1)
25. All You Have to do is Dream (Take 2)

CD 6

1. 2 Dollars and 99 Cents
2. Jelly Bean
3. Any Time
4. Down by the Station
5. Hallelujah, I've Just Been Moved (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
6. That's the Breaks
7. Pretty Mary
8. Will the Circle be Unbroken (written by A.P. Carter)
9. King of France
10. She's on My Mind Again
11. Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
12. On a Rainy Afternoon
13. I Can't Come in with a Broken Heart
14. Next Time on the Highway
15. Northern Claim
16. Love is Only Mine
17. Silhouettes (written by Bob Crewe and Frank C Slay Jr.)
18. Bring it on Home
19. Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
20. The Spanish Song (Take 1)
21. The Spanish Song (Take 2)

* * * * *


CD 1

1. Open the Door, Homer (Restored version)
2. Odds and Ends (Alternate version)
3. Million Dollar Bash (Alternate version)
4. One Too Many Mornings (Unreleased)
5. I Don't Hurt Anymore (Unreleased) (written by Donald I Robertson and Walter E Rollins)
6. Ain't No More Cane (Alternate version) (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
7. Crash on the Levee (Restored version)
8. Tears of Rage (Without overdubs) (written by Bob Dylan and Richard Manuel)
9. Dress it up, Better Have it All (Unreleased)
10. I'm Not There (Previously released)
11. Johnny Todd (Unreleased) (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
12. Too Much of Nothing (Alternate version)
13. Quinn the Eskimo (Restored version)
14. Get Your Rocks Off (Unreleased)
15. Santa-Fe (Previously released)
16. Silent Weekend (Unreleased)
17. Clothes Line Saga (Restored version)
18. Please, Mrs. Henry (Restored version)
19. I Shall be Released (Restored version)

CD 2

1. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Alternate version)
2. Lo and Behold! (Alternate version)
3. Minstrel Boy (Previously released)
4. Tiny Montgomery (Without overdubs)
5. All You Have to do is Dream (Unreleased)
6. Goin' to Acapulco (Without overdubs)
7. 900 Miles from My Home (Unreleased) (Traditional, arranged by Bob Dylan)
8. One for the Road (Unreleased)
9. I'm Alright (Unreleased)
10. Blowin' in the Wind (Unreleased)
11. Apple Suckling Tree (Restored version)
12. Nothing Was Delivered (Restored version)
13. Folsom Prison Blues (Unreleased) (written by Johnny Cash)
14. This Wheel's on Fire (Without overdubs) (written by Bob Dylan and Rick Danko)
15. Yea! Heavy and a Bottle of Bread (Restored version)
16. Don't Ya Tell Henry (Alternate version)
17. Baby, Won't You be My Baby (Unreleased)
18. Sign on the Cross (Unreleased)
19. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Without overdubs)


Bob Dylan
Robbie Robertson
Rick Danko
Richard Manuel
Garth Hudson
Levon Helm

(Pawe³ Zienkiewicz-Sony Music Polska)

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